Past Speakers

Steve Brobeck, Executive Director, Consumer Federation of America (4/26/2002)

Dr. John H. Budd, President, American Medical Association (11/17/1977)

Mike Sommers, President & CEO, American Petroleum Institute (4/14/2022)

Bob Chase, President, National Education Association (6/8/2001)

Thomas J. Donohue, President, American Trucking Association (9/13/1985)

Roger Dow, President, U.S. Travel Association (07/07/2017)

Jack N. Gerard, President and CEO, American Petroleum Institute (4/17/2012)

Jerry J. Jasinowski, President, National Association of Manufacturers (9/30/1994)

Dr. Richard L. Lesher, President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (1/18/1985)

Larry E. Naake, Executive Director, National Association of Counties (2/2/1996)

Jesse Rosen, President & CEO, League of American Orchestras (4/1/2019)

Donald T. Senterfitt, President, American Bankers Association (5/9/1986)

Randolph Smoak, President, American Medical Association (3/8/2001)

Sen. Richard Schweiker, President, American Council of Life Insurance (3/13/1992)

Chris Thompson, President & CEO, Brand USA (8/05/2020)